Rebuilding Together Alexandria

26 Aug

Today’s featured post is dedicated to a local non-profit which is empowering struggling home owners to take back control of their homes during this difficult economy.  Rebuilding Together provides home assistance free of cost to those in need, continuing reading below and visit their website today to learn more!

To bring volunteers, communities, and resources together to improve the homes and lives of Alexandrians in need.”—This is the mission of Rebuilding Together Alexandria.

Rebuilding Together is a non-profit dedicated to preserving affordable homeownership by repairing and revitalizing homes—free of cost!—for those in need, including (but certainly not limited to) the elderly, persons with disabilities, military veterans, and low-income families. One such homeowner, Ms. H., couldn’t maintain her home and yard, so she was evicted until it could be brought up to code. Many of our volunteers worked numerous hours and she was able to move back home!

Founded in 1986 by Barbara Joseph, Alexandria Christmas in April (as we were originally known) held its first ‘rebuilding day’ in 1987. On that last Saturday in April, 8 homes and 2 shelters were repaired at no cost to the homeowners by 174 volunteers. This past year, over 1,000 volunteers worked on 102 homes and non-profit agencies—throughout the year and on National Rebuilding Day (the last Saturday in April). Now known as Rebuilding Together Alexandria, we’ve repaired and rehabilitated over 1,300 Alexandria residents’ homes and non-profit agencies with in-kind donations of labor and materials resulting in almost $5.3 million worth of value.

Whether you or someone you know are a homeowner looking to apply for home assistance free of cost, or if you are an active citizen who would like to volunteer to help a neighbor stay in their home—Please contact us with any questions or to see if you qualify for our services by calling 703.836.1021 or visiting our Website today!

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